
Argae'r tair ceunant/Three Gorges Dam, China

Dyma wybodaeth y gallwch ei ddefnyddio i wneud eich gwaith cartref. Cofiwch ei fod yn syniad da i chwilio am wybodaeth eich hun hefyd.

This is information that you can use to do your homework. Remember that it is a good idea to try and find information independently too.


Morocco - ymchwiliad 7a

Dyma safleoedd gwe all fod o ddefnydd ar gyfer eich ymchwiliad ar Morocco. Ceisiwch ddarganfod gwybodaeth eich hun hefyd.

These are websites that may be of use to you in preparing for you investigation on Morocco. Try to look for information independently too.

Mae safle gwe y CIA a'r World Factbook gyda llawer o ffigurau a ffeithiau diddorol am Morocco - cliciwch yma. Cliciwch yma i ddarllen gwybodaeth o safle gwe y BBC. Cliciwch yma i ddarllen gwybodaeth am ffermio ym Morocco ymysg agweddau eraill.

The CIA website and the World Factbook have lots of interesting facts and figures based on Morocco - click here. Click here to read information from the BBC website. Click here to read information about farming in Morocco amongst other aspects.

Mae erthygl yma am lafur plant ym Morocco.

There is an article here about child-labour in Morocco.

Dyma fideo diddorol yn cyflwyno'r wlad.

This is an interesting video presenting the country.

Dyma gasgliadiau o luniau a chyflwyniadau am Morocco.

This is a collection of pictures and presentations about Morocco.


Tsunami 2004 - Fideos a lluniau/Videos and images

Dyma ambell fideo o'r tsunami - cofiwch eu bod yn dangos golygfeydd erchyll!

Here are a few videos of the tsunami - remember that they show some horrific images!

Tsunami Asia - 2004

Dyma wybodaeth ar safle gwe CNN am y tsunami - cliciwch ar y llun isod:
Here is information about the tsunami on the CNN website - click on the picture below:
Cliciwch ar y map isod i weld manylion am y tsunami ar safle gwe Wikipedia:
Click on the map below to see details about the tsunami on the Wikipedia website:

I'r rhieni/To the parents
Bydd y dyddiad ar gyfer cyflwyno'r cywaith "Tsunami 2004" yn llyfr cyswllt eich mab/merch. Bydd y disgyblion yn derbyn cyfarwyddiadau manwl, cynllun marcio a cherdyn A2 lle maent i gwblhau'r gwaith. Pwrpas y cywaith fydd cyflwyno'r wybodaeth gan ffocysu ar y tsunami 2004 yng Nghefnfor India. Bydd angen cynnwys map yn dangos lleoliad y tsunami gydag allwedd, diagram yn dangos sut mae tsunami yn digwydd, graff yn dangos ystadegau perthnasol (e.e.lle lladdwyd sawl person?)
, anodi lluniau a diagramau, gofyn ac ateb cwestiynau yn annibynnol (gan gynnwys cwestiynau sy'n dechrau gyda Pam...? a Sut...?, a gwneud gwaith ysgrifenedig. Bydd angen edrych ar:
  • pam bod y tsunami wedi digwydd?
  • ble ddigwyddodd y tsunami?
  • beth ddigwyddodd a phryd?
  • beth yw'r effeithiau byr a hir dymor?
  • beth sydd wedi ei wneud i geisio helpu pobl a effeithwyd gan y tsunami?
  • pam bod cymaint o bobl wedi marw?
  • sut gellir arbed bywydau pobl yn y dyfodol?

Mae hwn yn aseiniad allweddol, a bydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel un o'r darnau o waith sy'n cyfrif tuag at fesur y lefel o gyrhaeddiad yn Daearyddiaeth.

The presentation date for the project "Tsunami of 2004" will be in your son/daughter's contact book. The pupils have received detailed instructions, a mark scheme, and a pamphlet on which the work is to be completed. The aim of the project is to focus on the tsunami of 2004. A map showing where the tsunami effected, a graph (eg showing where people lost their lives and how many), annotated pictures and diagrams, and written work (including questions starting with "How...?" and "Why...?" asked by the student) must be included, and an attempt must be made to answer these questions. The student will need to:
  • why did the tsunami happen?
  • where did the tsunami happen?
  • what happened?
  • the short and long term effects?
  • what has been done to try and help people affected by the tsunami?
  • why did so many people die?
  • how can people's lives be saved in the past?
This is a key assignment, and it will be used by your child's teacher as one of the pieces of work which will count towards measuring his/her level of attainment in Geography.

Dyma safle gwe sy'n dangos lluniau o'r difrod a wnaethpwyd gan y tsunami a lluniau ar adeg arall:
This is a website showing pictures of the devastation caused by the tsunami and pictures of another time:

Sut oedd y tsunami wedi digwydd?
How did the tsunami happen?
Beth oedd wedi digwydd yn y tsunami, ac wedi hynny?
What happened during the tsunami, and afterwards?

Gwybodaeth o safle gwe'r/Information from the website of the Guardian:

Arddangosfa arlein Cymorth Cristnogol: "Every time I see the sea" sydd wirioneddol werth ei weld:
Online exhibition from Christian Aid which is well worth seeing: